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What is Fast Fashion and How Can I Help?: Inner_about


Making the World a Better Place

Illinois University's website on Environmental Biology suggests that fast fashion is the mass/over production of clothes in which new styles of clothes are constantly filling the stores replacing the old models. In the fashion industry large companies are making new styles in such large numbers than consumers can buy then causing many clothes to end up damaged or in the dump after consumers no longer are pleased with the style. As a cause of fast fashion then factors such as pollution, low wages and unsanitary conditions for third countries, and products such as pesticides and herbicides produced by factories making clothes cause unfair and a polluted environment.


Forms Fast Fashion affects the Environment and Society:

Pollution ( Harsh Chemicals ):

In textile industries the use of chemicals in dyes are a major way of pollution as are the factory employees which are known for throwing chemicals and runoff into freshwater  and local water sources.


Herbicides and Pesticides:

As a higher demand of clothes arises a larger amount of raw materials is required along with the use of herbicides and pesticides to grow effective cotton and plants.


 Overuse of Natural Resources:

In order to grow plants such as cotton for the manufacturing of goods a large amount of water is required. The other example, is clothes made of polyester and synthetic cloth which are derived of oils which are limited or are part of the natural environment.


Greenhouse Gases and Transportation Pollution:

In china many of the clothes are produced at a reduced costs in foreign countries which then motivates countries such as the USA to buy clothes at a cheap price and then send it over. With this action of sending and transporting the clothes through boat the emission from the engine causes toxins and green house gases to be released into the air which then pollutes the air.


Unsanitary Conditions and Low wages:

In foreign countries there are less regulations on the working conditions and environmental harm and a greater focus on quick and excessive production.



What is Fast Fashion and How Can I Help?: Welcome


Making the World More Sustainable through Handmade/ Upcycled Fashion

1. Recycle fabrics by using old fabrics to make new clothing styles and pieces of clothing. This process is often commonly known as Upcycling.


2. Donate unwanted materials to local thrift shops so others can repurpose them or donate them to stores such as H&M and Zara which say they are committed to recycling unwanted textiles. 


3.  Buy fabrics yourself to make your own custom made pieces. This is easier, less polluting, and makes a statement against fast fashion companies. 

Tailor's Tools
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