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Emotions and What We Wear: Inner_about
Summer Outfit



Positive Connotation

According to the newspaper article by Professor Karen Pine from the Sydney Morning Herald, clothes which tend to be well-tailored, bright, and composed of fitted fabrics usually are correlated with   positive emotions because of their happy clothes components. In other words the study suggests, if for example you wear a certain shirt on a specific day and receive a compliment about your look, your brain tends to remember and then causes positive emotions and behavior the next time you wear the same thing. Ultimately feeling good about what one said can be a grand motivator for individuals to wear the specific item of clothing once again.

Emotions and What We Wear: Welcome

Negative Connotation

Furthermore looking into to Karen Pine's research negative correlation clothes is often associated with depressed or sad emotions. According to the study which was conducted on 100 people clothes for when feeling down are often baggy and loose fitting, comfortable and stay at home, as well as dull and jean like. Some instances that negative correlation can affect your emotions is a negative comment, a crude post, a sad or grief full day or even when trying to hide or mask what one truly feels. Just like some individuals are trouble-makers or a class-clown others use clothes to drown out the attention by the clothes they use or to avoid being made fun of.

Essentially as suggested by Karen's Pine research on positive and negative correlations to clothes wearing a certain type of clothes can lower self esteem or raise it. For those reasons choosing the ideal type of clothes and complimenting others can make a person feel better and encourage them to continue being who they are inside, expressing all their unique attributes and personal identification.

Emotions and What We Wear: Welcome
Clothes Hanging


The effect of clothes on Personality/Personal Identity

Although clothes do not necessarily define who you are they do have a possible impact on how you present yourself to others. One example is jewelry, accessories, and well-tailored, fitted clothes which as concluded by an observation often represent positive energy and an outgoing personality. Baggy clothes on the other hand such as sweats, hoodies and dull colored clothes can represent vulnerability and a shy and secluded personality. Although these distinctions may not always be fit for all cases clothes however is just as equal of a part in who you are as your personality because each deal with how one presents oneself. For those reasons, as they say one has to look the part to get the part.

In my case I feel I relate to this study because when I go to a special occasion I wear more fitted and professional clothes while when I go to school or to a store I wear more monotone colors to show comfort. This also applies to when I feel good, I tend to wear bright clothes while when I am having a bad day I wear loose and dark clothes which reflect how I feel. 

Emotions and What We Wear: Welcome


The Colors and how it affects your emotions

Black: Is often worn in sports team jerseys because it is often correlated with aggression.

Green and Brown: These colors represent wood and growth of character in terms of finance and social aspects.

Blue and Purple: This color is often associated with peace and serenity

Red and orange/ Animal prints: These colors represent fire, passion, and desire of being alive/noticed.

White: This color represents Innocence and purity

Colorful yarn
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