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Clothes affect on Campaigns: 
From The Pink Women's March Hat to wearing all black to protest Sexual Harrasment

Wearing Black at the Golden Globes

In 2018, one of Hollywood's most prestige award shows, the Golden Globe's, a powerful message through the celebrities black dresses and attire sent a powerful message which united the community and created a barrier of support. This act also known as the Time's Up Movement although did not spark much change at first did spark a conversation, united a community in solidarity, encouraged others to speak out and created a support fund for those who have been affected by sexual assault. This movement inspired by clothing and a single color, black, caused an uprising of personal expression and fighting for what one believes in while encouraging other movements such as the pink women's march hat. 


The Women's March Pink "Pussy" Hats

The so-called pink "pussy" hats made of yarn and designed to have cat-ears became an iconic symbol of the Women's March and more specifically of movements about equality between the genders, being able to do whatever you want with your body, and having the courage to bring out to the light sexual harassment. This iconic hat is very powerful and a key point of protest even a year later. It encourages an era of speaking up and forms a connection and community of support and love.


Protesting To Not Wear Hijabs

Oppression towards women on wearing a Hijab has been an issue in the middle east for decades. There are many women who accept the oppression while there are many others who demand this sexist item of segregation to stop. Throughout this time, a rising of women have been risking getting incarcerated to wave around their hijabs. Many women have gone viral taking off the subjugation of women in attempts of speaking out against their patriarch society. Many have received punishment for doing this however, up until recently a law passed in which women could legally take it off in public, in which this movement and item clothing which at once was controversial became a way of political differences and a want for change.



A dashiki, colorful and bright, an iconic tunic, a symbol of the civil rights movement and a form of protesting racial prejudice and segregation of West Africa was a key symbol of protesting and getting ones voice heard. Although not worn today this iconic piece of clothing challenged segregation ideals and set to a certain degree equality and a fashion statement of perseverance and cultural background.


Black Lives Matter and No Human is Illegal Campaigns

In both of these campaigns the tee-shirts that read messages of equal rights provide a platform for protesting against inequalities and shows the person who wears it beliefs and political views or standings. Furthermore, this suggests a person who is willing to fight for their rights and is determined and strong.

Lausd Teacher's Strike: Wearing Red shirts for Students

During the recent Lausd strike teacher's wore red to command a passionate and determined fight for the students. Wearing red which is let alone a strong color caused a red wave spectacle with teachers shirts reading messages from smaller class sizes to a full time nurse. Teachers and the red shirts became headliners on the news and Tv which caused not only a wave of disapproval on previous methods and started a conversation, but also gave a motive to fight for and a reason to support those in protest. These simple red tees which read messages of demands and an better environment, became a main figure of the protest.

Taking a Stand through Clothing: Inner_about
Taking a Stand through Clothing: Portfolio
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